Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Berbatov, you Beauty!

Dimitar Berbatov. The name of a man who will live on in United folk-lore, scoring a hat-trick against those damn Scousers. (Sorry Liverpool fans, but even I dislike you guys intensely. You're still really cool people, though!)

Dimitar Berbatov

And it wasn't just any hat-trick. It wasn't just a case of being in the right place at the right time. Not at all.

Dimi played out of his skin against Livers, and we at TSR think very highly of him—we did so to begin with! (Except that game against Blackburn. I was disappointed in him then. Slightly.)

1. Out-foxing Fernando,
2. A magnificent, magical, mondo-awesome bicycle kick, and
3. An authoritative, emphatic header over that little annoying dude, what's-his-face... Jamie Carragher.

"Use my head? Screw that, I'm gonna bicycle/scissor this shit."

It wasn't only his goals yesterday which turned the match, it was his overall performance.

I watched the match at a bar in a Singaporean hotel and the atmosphere was electric throughout the match. Dominated by United fans, we were pretty relaxed at half-time after Berba had given us the lead. And when he did what he did for his second goal, my gosh. We were all up, smiling, laughing bemusedly at the audacious but prodigious skill with which he executed that bicycle kick, looping so effortlessly over Pepe Reina.

Even when the tide turned ominously, and the Liverpool fan (yeah, there was only one. It was hilarious) was the one screaming and shouting after Stevie G had hauled Liverpool back, like he has done a million times for them in the past bajillion years, Berbatov still looked most likely to threaten that Liverpool goal.

And when he out-jumped Carragher, making light of the strength and determination which that man undoubtedly holds, I knew that this was a defining moment in Berbatov's career for Manchester United.

This performance will be one of those performances that songs will be sung about; the same thing happened with that boy Diego, who came from Uruguay and made the Scousers cry.

Take off my shirt, you say? Okay!

And I'm sure that he's the type of guy who'll respond to something like this with more. Not the type to sit back and think, "well I'm not playing that well, but remember that time I scored a hat-trick which won us a game against our bitter rivals?"

More of the same, please, Dimi!

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