Sunday, September 19, 2010

Never Question the Ferg


So I'm sitting in Singapore...

That Singapore. (For those of you who're geographically-challenged.)

at this hotel's "Internet Lounge"—where they have specifically requested that guests limit their usage of the internet to 15 minutes, out of courtesy for other guests... but screw that, right? Anyway! This is awesome, it's like being a journalist on some foreign assignment.

But, seriously. They're pretty into their football here in Singapore—either that or the fact that it's United vs. Liverpool tonight transforms ordinary people into football experts who decide to barrack for one team or the other.

Nonetheless, this buzz which exists on the streets of Singapore over this iconic football match is pretty refreshing - and it's mingled with the excitement over Singapore's F1 night Grand Prix that's gonna be happening this weekend.

Everyone's got something to say about it (most people I've overheard talking about the game have predicted either a draw or a United win. We can only tap wood on TSR to hope that we finish up tonight with 3 points...)

I read an awesome article in The Sunday Times, basically telling anyone who was beginning to lose faith in Sir Alex Ferguson's judgement—after succumbing to late draws against Fulham and Everton, and the failure to break down Ranger's 10-man defensive bus-wall—to hang tight, 'cause "The Master of the Game" and his 24 years of experience managing Manchester United are in no way, shape or form, allowed to be questioned.

He knows what he's doing.

I'm with whoever it was who wrote that article. Fergie's been questioned before, and where has that led him? Winning trophy after trophy after trophy. Maybe, just maybe, his wisdom will lead to a win tonight. Don't you think?

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